CEE Conversation Series - Who gets to Graduate?
21 November 2022
In summer 2022, the Centre for Engineering Education hosted two talks as part of our Conversation Series. You can now catch up on our YouTube Channel.
CEE Conversation Series - Who gets to Graduate? - Prof Roger Gonzalez, The University of Texas at El Paso.
The UCL Centre for Engineering Education is delighted that Prof Roger Gonzalez, Chair and Professor of Engineering Education and Leadership at The University of Texas at El Paso, has joined the Centre as a Visiting Professor for a sabbatical during the 2022/23 academic year. During his time here he will be working with colleagues in the centre on a project that aims to map models and pedagogies utilised by engineering educators in the UK and Europe that engage underserved student populations in engineering and in engineering leadership. This will enable his to compare this with the UTEP model for engaging and supporting under-served student populations in engineering leadership. During his stay he will be visiting a number of universities in the UK and Europe as well as working within the Centre to support the development of UCL’s new Engineering Foundation Year.
This talk was originally delivered as part of a CEE Conversation Series session on Monday 13th June 2022 with Dr Clare Gartland of the University of Suffolk. Due to technical difficulties, Prof Gonzalez’s presentation has been rerecorded for distribution here. The link to our YouTube and further Conversation Series can be found here.