
Cells For Sight



The Cells for Sight team collaborates with a number of other research groups and industrial partners including:

David Abraham, UCL Link to IRIS profile

Robin Ali, UCL Link to IRIS profile

Robert Brown, UCL Link to IRIS profile

Virginia Calder, UCL Link to IRIS profile 

Margarita Calonge, Universidad de Valladolid Link to webpage

John Dart, UCL Link to IRIS profile

Shigeru Kinoshita, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Link to webpage

Mark Lewis, Loughborough University Link to webpage

Jod Mehta, Singapore Eye Research Institute Link to webpage

Takahiro Nakamura, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Valerie Saw, UCL Link to IRIS profile

Greg Schultz, University of Florida Link to webpage

Phil Stephens, Cardiff University Link to webpage

Pfizer Link to webpage

TAP Biosystems Link to webpage