Head of Programme
Professor Julie T Daniels PhD
Professor of Regenerative Medicine & Cellular Therapy
- Founder and Director of the Cells for Sight Stem Cell Therapy Research Unit
- Leader in translational research on the use of stem cells for repair of the human ocular surface
E-mail: j.daniels@ucl.ac.uk
Link to Julie's IRIS profile
RegMedNet Award for Cultivating Excellence - Interview
Clinical Team
Quality Assurance Manager
Amanda Vernon PhD
In order to deliver high quality cell therapy products to patients, we must ensure we work to the standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and comply with regulatory guidance. Therefore the role of Quality Assurance Manager within the Cell for Sight Transplantation and Research Programme is to monitor, approve and evaluate all GMP processes performed within the manufacturing facility, including stringent assessment of quality and safety of the manufactured cell therapy product.
E-mail: a.vernon@ucl.ac.uk
Production Manager
Radhika Shah
The production manager is responsible for cell therapy production in the clinical cleanroom suite designed to deliver multiple cell therapies to patients. They are required to manage the complex demands of service provision, regulatory compliance and translation of research into clinical protocols including clinical trials.
E-mail: radhika.shah@ucl.ac.uk
Link to Radhika's IRIS profile
Research Assistant
Afrah Albadri
The research assistant within the Cell for Sight Transplantation and Research Programme is responsible for GMP compliant limbal stem cell graft production in the cleanroom to treat blinding disorders caused by limbal stem cell deficiency. A long term aim of this project is to optimise the use of oral mucosal tissue derived from the mouth to treat patients suffering from bilateral eye disease.
E-mail: a.albadri@ucl.ac.uk
Research team
Post Doctoral reasearch associates
Louise Morgan PhD
- Proof of concept for Real Architecture for 3D Tissues in the Cornea
The purpose of this proof of concept project it to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Real Architecture for 3D Tissues (RAFT) in the cornea
E-mail: louise.morgan@ucl.ac.uk
Link to Louise's IRIS profile
Marc Dziasko PhD
- Investigating the corneal stem cell niche
This project aims to understand the interactions between the epithelial progenitors and their surrounding microenvironment. The main research interest being the development of an in vitro model of the niche using human limbal epithelial stem cells and melanocytes.
Email marc.dziasko.11@ucl.ac.uk
PhD Students
Ana Rita Pinho
- Development of therapeutic applications for corneal stromal stem cells
This project aims to use tissue engineering approaches to develop methods for delivery of CSSC to patients. Specifically, we will compare our novel collagen-based GMP compliant ‘RAFT’ technology and a rapidly degradable fibrin-based hydrogel. This work is in collaboration with Prof Jim Funderburgh from University of Pittsburgh.
E-mail ana.pinho.14@ucl.ac.uk
Carla Sanchez Martinez
- In vitro modelling of the aniridic cornea
This project focuses on understanding the biology behind aniridia related keratopathy, a condition affecting the ocular surface in patients with aniridia. Aniridia is a progressive eye disorder caused by a haploinsufficiency of the PAX6 transcription factor, for which there is no effective treatment. By culturing human corneal aniridic cells and making in vitro models of the aniridic cornea, the final goal is to assess the impact of PAX6 on corneal cells and their interactions during homeostasis and disease.
E-mail carla.martinez.14@ucl.ac.uk
Ashkon Seyed-Safi
- The role of soluble niche factors in limbal stem cell activation
One component of the stem cell niche is the array of soluble factors that regulate stem cell fate. This project aims to develop an ex vivo porcine cornea wounding model to investigate the limbal response to epithelial damage and the role that Wnt signalling and associated signalling pathways might play in the activation and recruitment of limbal stem cells to the regenerative response. This work will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the limbal stem cell niche and the regulatory networks that might be targeted to enhance limbal stem cell therapy.
E-mail ashkon.seyed-safi.16@ucl.ac.uk
Clinical team
Isabel Uwagboe Research Assistant
Michael Neale PhD
Anthony Lodge PhD
Research team
Alvena Kureshi PhD
Isobel Massie PhD
Hannah Levis PhD
Sarah Dale PhD
Anna O'Callaghan PhD
Stefan Schrader PhD
Genevieve Secker PhD
Maria Notara PhD
Valerie Saw PhD
Lois Evans Research assistant
Nuria Genicio Research assistant
Anna Peters Research assistant
Johannes Menzel-Severing MSc
Dev Mukhey MSc