Select a tab below to access individual career stories.
For an overview of the sector, including useful links, see the UCL Careers article Careers in Academia.
UCL Careers also runs a broad programme of events and workshops for researchers.
Professor, Comparative Literature, Taiwan
Professor, Digital Technologies in Heritage Preservation, Germany
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology, University of Westminster
Professor, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
Senior Lecturer, University of Roehampton
Senior Lecturer at School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire
Lecturer (now Senior Lecturer) in Sociology, University of Bath
Senior Lecturer and Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Bath
Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow (now Senior Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London)
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Stanford University
Associate Professor, Criminology, Texas State University
Assistant Professor, Engineering, Penn State University
Associate Professor, Senior Research Officer, Medical Research, Australia
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology, Tsinghua University, Beijing