Exploring your options
Where to start? This is often the biggest question.
Some people know exactly what they want to do from an early age. Others haven't got clue!
Whether you know what sort of career you're looking for, or don't know where to start, look at the options that are available to you, by exploring the wide range of jobs and career paths that exist in different sectors and industries. By researching your options, you will be in a better position to Find your Future - and UCL Careers is here to help you.
Access 'graduate outcomes' data to discover what UCL Alumni from different degree programmes have gone on to do and explore the wider range of options on next steps for graduates based on degree disciplines and / or levels of qualification.
If you are aiming to work post-graduation and have some ideas in mind alread, you can explore:
• Labour markets and sector information
• Different roles and the skills required
If moving straight into work post-graduation is not your plan, explore other options including:
• Further study and research
• Working for yourself or outside the UK