
UCL Careers


Academic Career Planning for PhD students

09 January 2024, 11:00 am–12:30 pm

A birds-eye view image of students sat on steps within University College London's Student Centre, Main Quad.

Sign up to this session to gain an oversight on academic career progression.

Event Information

Open to





Jana Dankovicova


You will be emailed some resources that we will look at during the session in advance, so please check your email 3 hours before the session. Also, please make sure your environment makes is possible for you to talk during the workshop and that you have a mic working (the workshop is interactive)!

If you have any specific requirements in terms of attending this event that we need to be aware of in advance, please do get in touch as soon as possible to let us know how we can help.

Learning outcomes for this workshop

  • Gain an overview of the process of academic career progression 
  • Develop an awareness of the personal qualities, experience and achievements needed to be successful in securing research and teaching positions in a higher education institution 
  • Gain an overview of issues that can have an impact on the nature of your future work, your ability to progress and your personal life. 
  • Obtain information on a variety of ways to locate advertised positions and sources of funding (note: in-depth details of funding for specific research areas is beyond the scope of this workshop) 
  • Devise a series of concrete actions that you will take to increase the probability of securing your next academic position.