
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science


Research Department of Preclinical and Fundamental Science 


Head of Department

Professor Lucie Clapp

PA to Head of Department

Sonam Shah

The core goal of the Research Department for Pre-clinical and Fundamental Science is to understand fundamental biological processes that control the development and functions of the vasculature and the heart and to translate this knowledge into treatments for human cardiovascular diseases.

Key programmes of research include: annotation of genes relevant to human cardiovascular disease; transcription factors controlling oncogenesis and heart development and their role in diseases such as hypertension and diabetes; the development of genetically modified biological heart valves for improved durability; strategies for protection against ischaemia and reperfusion injury in the heart; development of novel therapeutic approaches for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Our research department is engaged in many teaching activities, including running an IBSc programme in Cardiovascular Science and a popular Heart & Circulation BSc/MSc course as well as supporting the MSc in Cardiovascular Science and UCL PhD programmes funded by the British Heart Foundation and the MRC. 

Research Centres and Groups

The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute
Cardiovascular Surgery 
Centre for Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology
The Frankel Lab
Functional Gene Annotation
Molecular Biology Development and Disease (MBDD) Laboratories

Collaborative Work

Cardiovascular Imaging