
Brain Sciences


Andreea Manole, Institute of Neurology, Phd

Andreaa Manole

27 January 2017

At school I became attracted to a career as a scientific researcher and I discovered that the key step was doing a PhD. While studying for my BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Essex, I worked and volunteered in several research labs. This gave me valuable experience and helped me obtain an MRC funded PhD studentship based in the Institute of Neurology at UCL. Here I have had the opportunity to learn a number of new techniques whilst working on a range of projects concerned with neuromuscular disorders. I have been able to work with both internal and external collaborators including clinicians and my appreciation of the application of medical research has grown considerably.

I have already undertaken experimental work that has been published in the primary literature and I have contributed to some review articles on the diseases that I study. I have also attended national and international conferences where I have had the opportunity to showcase my work by poster and oral presentations. Moreover I was able to network with researchers from other institutions and so build new collaborations. Overall my PhD experience so far has more than fulfilled my expectations and I am developing many of the skills that I will need in the future to develop my own independent research.