
Brain Sciences


Disa Witkowska – BA Linguistics - Poland

12 September 2016

Disa Witkowska – BA Linguistics

Interested in humanities and having strong analytical skills, I was not sure what degree would be suitable for me. Linguistics at UCL, taking an Arts and Sciences-oriented approach, turned out to be a great choice.

We explore language, the subject of Arts, the material that builds not only literary texts but also our communication. At the same time we describe language and "measure" it in its various aspects with scientific precision and attention to detail. We familiarise ourselves with different kinds of data, learning, for example, how to tackle syntactic or phonological problems, and trying to work out solutions.

Hands-on experience in dealing with linguistic problems makes our course practical in a sense that "correct" answers are not given to us in lectures or tutorials: what matters is an idea and how we can develop and describe it. This does not mean that we are left on our own. A team of dedicated lecturers and teaching assistants is willing to help us improve our results by explaining difficult issues as many times as it is needed and I really appreciate that. I had a great time being a Linguistics fresher!