Focusing on how to specify the process and how to determine its economic feasibility
This module focuses on how to specify a complex bioprocess and determine its economic feasibility. It will:
- Specify a major item of process equipment.
- Interpret engineering drawings used in equipment procurement.
- Perform economic analyses of the process and determine sensitivities to process changes.
- Achieve value for money in complex engineering projects.
- Recommend a process that is technically feasible and economically viable.
- Determine the types of data needed to specify unit operations and processes.
- Develop process flowsheets and mass balances.
- Network with sector leaders and subject matter experts.
This MBI is recommended for:
This course is intended for engineers, chemists, biologists, biochemists and biotechnologists who are interested in process design for the manufacture of biological products. Each concept and topic covered will be explained for the beginner - an example case study is followed through the bioprocess design procedure to allow an economic appraisal of the design to be performed. This learning is carried forward to the following “Bioprocess Facility Design” course which examines the next stage of a bioprocess design.
Typically, delegates are: R&D scientists, engineers or managers who need to learn more about the typical steps which constitute the preliminary design process in conjunction with the “Bioprocess Facility Design” course.
- Module Leader
Daniel G. Bracewell is Professor of Bioprocess Analysis at the UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering. He has made major contributions to the fundamental understanding of biopharmaceutical purification operations, generating over £5.5 million in research funds including new international research collaborations with India and the USA. He has authored more than 90 peer reviewed journal articles in the area to date and currently supervises 15 doctoral and postdoctoral projects, many of these studies are in collaboration with industry. One such project became the technology basis from which the spinout Puridify (recently acquired by GE Healthcare) developed.
- Programme Outline
Day 1
- Universal Flu Vaccine
- Introduction to Project Management
- Case study: development of preliminary flowsheets
- Drug Substance Manufacturing – Flexible Facility Design
Day 2
- Defining the end product specification
- Rapid mass balance and scale up estimates
- Design of process operation and control
- Case study: process mass balance
- Case study: piping and instrument diagram
- Case study: process operation
Day 3
- User requirements specifications in bioprocessing
- Case study: user requirement specification
- Single-use technology in biologics manufacturing – main considerations and case study
- Process economics lecture and workshop
Day 4
- Process economics lecture and workshop part 2
- Design project presentations