Thesis title: Establishing an assessment framework for eco-industrial park (EIP) development for developing and transition countries
Primary supervisor: Paul Ekins
Secondary supervisor: Teresa Domenech
Start date: Sept 2018
Completion date: June 2022
Industrial parks have been an important driver for industrialisation and economic growth. However, without adequate frameworks to address resource efficiency and environmental impacts, they may exacerbate global environmental issues such as CO2 emissions, water pollution and waste disposal. Eco-industrial park (EIP), as an important practice of industrial ecology and circular economy, provides key solution to bring business to collaborate and enhance environmental, economic and social performance. Nevertheless, the absence of international normative standards and assessment framework for replicable deployment of EIP results in difficulties to disseminate EIP practices, especially for developing and transition economies with low capacities. On the other hand, China has more than two decades’ experience in promoting EIP development and made substantial social, economic and environmental achievements. China can disseminate knowledge and successful experiences to the developing and transition countries.
Meiyao holds a BSocSc (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies with first-class honours and a MSc in Real Estate from The University of Hong Kong. Prior to commencing her PhD study in UCL, she worked as environmental consultant in environmental engineering and waste management in Hong Kong from 2013 to 2016. From 2016 to 2017, she was a valuer/ surveyor working in real estate valuation and advisory. She is also a professional member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyor.
Meiyao’s research interest lies in eco-industrial development, industrial ecology, and circular economy.