
The Bartlett


Bespoke School Visits

Your school has the opportunity to request a wide range of sessions that can be delivered at your location.

Smiling teacher speaks to class. gesturing with his hands

Our bespoke sessions can be tailored to suit pre-16 and post-16 age groups. The sessions will be delivered by our academics and current UCL Bartlett students. 

There will also be time for questions and answers at the end of each session booked. This will give your students the opportunity to ask our students and academics all about higher education and student life at The Bartlett and UCL.

Bespoke sessions we offer


  • Taster lectures
  • Workshops
  • Masterclasses

Information, Advice and Guidance

  • Introduction to The Bartlett session 
  • Application Process: Bartlett Undergraduate Degrees 
  • Bartlett Promise Scholarship Information and Q&A

If there is a specific session/topic you would like us to cover, please let us know.

School Events

  • HE & Careers Fairs: We can send representatives to your HE and Careers Fairs aimed at Year 12 and Year 13 students.
  • We will also consider requests to attend in-school HE Fairs for younger years, based on our capacity.


These bespoke sessions are only available to non-selective UK secondary state schools and therefore only a member of staff can apply on behalf of their students.

Please note, selection for bespoke school visits is dependent on availability and the priority level of your school. The priority level is determined by data obtained from the Higher Education Access Tracker service which consists of combined Department for Education datasets. 

This allows us to prioritise schools based on their relevant disadvantage and attainment indicators including Free School Meals, Index of Multiple Deprivation, and POLAR 4.

How to book

To express your interest, please complete the form linked below.

Upon completion of the booking form, we will assess your request and priority level, and aim to get back to you within seven working days. If you are not eligible for one of our visits, we will signpost you to other departments and resources within UCL.

Bespoke school visit request form