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search-total-matching1872search-total-matching- Eco-innovation - putting the EU on the path to a resource and energy efficient economy : study and briefing notes | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- REEEP Policy and Regulatory Review 2009: special report on India and Indian States | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Is it all about 'who you know'? The role of social capital in UK household energy consumption | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- The third oil price surge - What is different this time and what are possible future oil price developments? | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Public Space: the management dimension | The Bartlett School of Planning - UCL – University College London
- Strategies for the modification of the urban climate and the consequent impact on building energy use | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Cities, Design and Evolution | The Bartlett School of Planning - UCL – University College London
- Central heating: an energy efficient technology scripting energy inefficient behaviour? | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- CASA Working Paper 142 | The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - UCL – University College London
- CASA Working Paper 143 | The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - UCL – University College London
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