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search-total-matching1872search-total-matching- Spatially detailed optimisation modelling of UK heat network potential | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- From Lima to Paris, Part 2: Injecting Ambition | UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources - UCL – University College London
- CASA Working Paper 201 | The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - UCL – University College London
- The Bartlett Book 2016 | The Bartlett School of Architecture - UCL – University College London
- The Bartlett Book 2015 | The Bartlett School of Architecture - UCL – University College London
- The use of natural gas pipeline network with different energy carriers | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Estimating vessel utilization in the drybulk freight market: the reliability of draught reports in AIS data feeds | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Technical and Economic Modelling of Microgeneration | UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources - UCL – University College London
- The power of reducing energy consumption is in our hands | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- DPU Working Paper - No. 179 | The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - UCL – University College London
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