
The Bartlett


Bartlett Manual of Impact

The Bartlett Manual of Impact aims to support individuals, groups and departments to develop a mindset for creating meaningful impacts.

The Bartlett Manual of Impact graphic


The Bartlett Manual of Impact provides guidance, stories and practical tips to promote effective impact practices.

At the heart of making meaningful impact lies a crucial element: relationships. Within the Manual we emphasise the importance of creating relationships, and promote learning around core principles of impact: 

  • trust and care
  • power and equity 
  • learning and reflection

We break down actionable solutions for common challenges encountered in the pursuit of impactful processes from our research, teaching and practice.

Read The Bartlett Manual of Impact

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Download a copy of The Bartlett Manual of Impact

Why read The Bartlett Manual of Impact?  

Whether you are a researcher, lecturer, student, member of professional services staff or practitioner, we hope that through engaging with the Manual you:

  • Develop an understanding of what impacts are (and can be)
  • Are exposed to a set of ideas and stories that you can use to develop your own approach to impact, and overcome challenges encountered in practice
  • Have a starting point for discussions with your colleagues, students, or partners
  • Reflect on and design a structure for making meaningful impact part of your work

Get involved

The Manual is an evolving resource. We will continue to refine the Manual as we learn, and welcome further contributions to help us make the Manual even more useful. We want your contributions to the manual, so please do get in touch using the contact details here.