MOIN Resource Guide
This guide provides an overview of UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)’s key research themes, publications and resources associated with mission-oriented innovation.

21 August 2023
This guide is designed to provide members of IIPP’s Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) with an overview of UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)’s key research themes, publications and resources associated with mission-oriented innovation. It was designed and circulated as a pre-read to the 2023 Mission-Oriented Innovation (MOIN) Gathering where MOIN members came together in London to learn about, discuss and exchange experiences on the state of play of mission-oriented innovation policies globally.
The guide is structured around the ROAR framework – Professor Mariana Mazzucato’s policy framework for challenge-driven innovation policies and market-shaping activities (Mazzucato 2016 and Mazzucato 2018). The framework calls to rethink the role of the public sector, away from fixing markets to active market-shaping and market-co-creating.
The ROAR framework involves strategic thinking about the desired direction of travel (R - Routes), the structure and capacity of public sector O - Organisations, the way in which policy is A - Assessed and the incentive structure for both private and public sectors (R – Risks and Rewards). IIPP has been collaborating on a number of projects that draw on one or multiple elements of ROAR framework. This guide presents a summary of this work.
Mazzucato, M. (2018) 'Mission Oriented Innovation Policy: Challenges and Opportunities', Industrial and Corporate Change, 27 (5): 803–815
Mazzucato, M. (2016). From market fixing to market-creating: a new framework for innovation policy. Industry and Innovation, 23(2): 140-156