In the media: August 2018
31 August 2018
IIPP's research is regularly featured in the media around the world. Here is a round up of cover achieved in August 2018.

The independently minded economist who has Labour’s ear, The Times (3 September 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Are B Corps An Elite Charade For Changing The World?, Forbes (30 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
It's Not Either Growth Or The Environment, Forbes (30 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Mariana Mazzucato talks to Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio (30 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Forget profit. It’s love and fun that drive innovations like Parkrun, The Guardian (29 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Economist Mariana Mazzucato on the Downside of Shareholder Value, Barron's (29 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Innovation can help ease climate change, Energy Voice (28 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
‘Moonshots’ may never see liftoff without a plan, Politico (28 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Ten years after the crash, civil society has come a long way. But much more remains to be done, Open Democracy (16 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Mariana Mazzucato: the best books about the financial market, The Guardian (16 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Elon Musk and the dangerous cliché of the disruptive visionary, Wired (13 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Business Book of the Year 2018 — the longlist, Financial Times (13 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Professor Mazzucato’s The Value of Everything longlisted for FT Business Book of the Year, The Financial Times (13 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
The simple economic strategy the US should steal from China, Quartz (12 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Overcoming distrust of government and rethinking public value, The Mandarin (9 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)
Educational reform for Egypt 2030, Ahram Online (1 August 2018, Mariana Mazzucato)