Mission-oriented innovation in a time of COVID-19
15 December 2020, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

Join UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose Director, Professor Mariana Mazzucato and friends for a talk reflecting on an extraordinary year.
Event Information
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IIPP Comms
COVID-19 is a devastating health crisis, with broad public health implications and a looming economic crisis which may be much worse than 2008. But out of this crisis, there is also a unique opportunity to re-structure our economic systems and institutions in ways that promote inclusion, equity, justice and sustainability.
In this candid one-hour conversation, Mariana will reflect with IIPP partners from around the world on an extraordinary year and how it has affected the centre of government in London, Italy and South Africa. Firstly, she will share insights from the Mission Italia programme in her role as Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Italy. Then reflect with Dr Mzukisi Qobou, who sits alongside her on the Presidential Economic Advisory Council for South Africa to discuss how PEAC has focused on the government’s Growth and Reconstruction Programme post-COVID. Finally, she will be joined by Georgia Gould, Leader of Camden Council to discuss the great work of the Camden Renewal Commission and how the London Borough is looking to capture the opportunity presented by the pandemic by addressing a triple-crisis in Camden, and influence cities around the world, with bold policies to develop a more inclusive and sustainable society and economy.
About the Speakers
Georgia Gould
Leader at Camden Council

Dr Mzukisi Qobo
Head at Wits School of Governance, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa