
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Euston Young Voices

Understanding what a good life means for young people from Euston.

Euston Young Voices

23 January 2022

Eleven young people have been recruited by Camden Giving to undertake a research programme with local people living in neighbourhoods in and around Euston Station. They will work with a team from the IGP, funded by Lendlease, to undertake research about local communities living in the Euston area. They will use their findings to create a Euston prosperity and wellbeing index which reflects the priorities and experiences of local people and can be used to monitor the social and economic changes linked to regeneration at Euston.

The Euston prosperity and wellbeing index measures the impacts of regeneration on local communities over the long term to support decision making and investment based on resident-led priorities that benefit local communities. It is also an important first step in building a borough-wide index in Camden.

For more information about this project, news and ways to engage, please visit The Prosperity Co-Lab website.