Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW)

25 March 2022
‘Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality' (KNOW) seeks to deliver transformative research and capacity-building for innovation in policy and planning to promote urban equality.
KNOW works with a global consortium of researchers and partners across 13 institutions, in nine countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It is funded by ESRC under the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and led by Professor Caren Levy Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) UCL.
KNOW has six core work packages with IGP's Professor Henrietta L. Moore (Co-Investigator) and Dr Saffron Woodcraft (Research Fellow) working on the project's Work Package 2 (Comparative inquiry for urban equality). WP2 asks 'How is urban equality comparatively understood, promoted, and implemented between groups within the city and between cities?'. Comparing urban processes, places and groups rather than cities per se will enables us to better identify the conditions that shape the common and particular relationships between the city and equality.