Data Audit (2018)
Requirements for Improving Measures and Outcome Indicators in Lebanon

4 February 2022
This report provides an analysis of the social, economic and political data sources available in Lebanon and their quality, highlighting the challenges of accessing such sources and the risks associated with using them. We explore and examine the data that have been compiled by international organizations, local NGOs and the Government of Lebanon since the commencement of the Syrian crisis in 2011. It is intended that this report will provide the foundation for a better understanding of the realities and complexities surrounding the “data scene” in Lebanon and how research can be realistically and pragmatically carried out. We hope this will help the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) and RELIEF teams not only avoid duplication of effort, but also improve research coordination and data collection for the RELIEF project.
This report addresses two main points contained in the terms of reference provided to us by the RELIEF project, including:
(1) Data quality. We identify the sources of data available in Lebanon (including official and unofficial sources), assess how prone to error, manipulation, disruption etc. data sources are, identify current and emerging data supply challenges and gaps, and provide a realistic assessment of the efforts required in terms of time, cost and quality for collecting, collating and using such data.
(2) Identifying how data quality and outcome measures and indicators can be improved. We examine the purpose of decisions regarding data supplies and measures, describe data processing with respect to existing and emerging methods, models, simulations and visualisations, review how data and measures either comply with or shape evolving international standards.