'A new approach to crisis': how robots are throwing Syrian refugees a lifeline
9 August 2018
Prof Henrietta Moore (Principal Investigator, RELIEF Centre) speaks to the Guardian about the importance of education in creating pathways to prosperity for those affected by mass displacement
"We know that the average length of stay [for a displaced person] is 20 to 25 years," says Moore. "This fantasy that everyone will go home [after being displaced] is a fantasy everyone engages in. But our line is 'movement is the new normal': how do we prosper under this movement? How do we get young people involved in subjects crucial for the modern labour force - robotics, stem cell research, AI? What can we do to prepare young people for the future when of all the young people who are meant to be in school, only 3% are?"
Read the article in full online here in the Global Education section of The Guardian