My Perfect Country airs on BBC World Service
4 February 2016
The first episode of My Perfect Country airs for the first time on Thursday 4 February on BBC World Service at 8pm GMT. The episode is also available to listen to on the BBC World Service website. The first episode explores Estonia's digital policy, and asks whether the e-governance structure can work elsewhere.
Episodes will go live on BBC World Service every Thursday for six weeks.
This compelling new six-part series sees UCL Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) team up with BBC World Service to build the 'perfect country'. The series is presented by broadcaster and writer Fi Glove, Martha Lane Fox and Director of UCL IGP Professor Henrietta Moore.
The first episode focuses on Estonia's digital policies. Estonia is a pioneer in e-governance, enabling its citizens to access around 600 municiple and state services online: healthcare, education, tax and business are all managed through a massive online system.
A former Soviet republic, Estonia has leap-frogged other former Soviet countries in several measures, including economic stabliity. Professor Henrietta Moore joins Martha Lane Fox and Fi Glover to explore the role of digital innovation in enabling positive change for Estonians.
Listen now to the first episode of My Perfect Country on the BBC World Service website.