Researching adolescent mental health in contexts of forced displacement:
11 May 2021, 12:00 pm–2:00 pm

Researching adolescent mental health in contexts of forced displacement: sharing experiences and emerging lessons across contexts and disciplines
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
Institute for Global Prosperity
This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore different disciplinary approaches to conducting research with adolescents who have been forcibly displaced by considering the relationship between displacement and mental health, how to define/measure adolescent mental health and how to collect and share data ethically.
12 pm to 1 pm Panel presentations and discussion
1 pm to 1.30 pm Breakout discussions
1.30 pm to 2 pm Reflections and next steps
Professor Henrietta L. Moore
Ms Sarah Alheiwidi, GAGE Jordan, Jordan
Prof. Sarah Baird, George Washington University, USA
Dr Randa Serhan, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Prof. Lena Verdeli, Global Mental Health Lab, Columbia University, USA
Please register via and select the breakout discussion you would like to participate in.
Join our webinar to hear from programme lead Dr Matthew Davies about the Global Prosperity MSc and to find out more about the sets of knowledge, training and networks offered, student life at UCL, and career opportunities once you've graduated. Dr Davies will be joined by a current student and the Teaching Administrator on hand to take your questions.
If you have any questions in the meantime please contact