
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Inclusive Development Futures: Global possibilities

21 January 2021, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm

Inclusive and Regenerative Economies Director's Seminar

The IGP welcomes Dr. Indrajit Roy for a Director's Seminar

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Institute for Global Prosperity

The Speaker: 

Indrajit Roy is Senior Lecturer in Global Development Politics at the University of York. He worked in the development sector for seven years prior to undertaking his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. He has since held the ESRC Future Research Leader Fellowship at the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) as well as a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. He has been at York since 2017. His research and teaching contribute to critical approaches to studying the politics of global development, with a focus on ‘new development futures’ that promise to reframe the discipline. Indrajit's  work illustrates the profound ways in which agents in the Global South disrupt prevailing understandings of development. By going beyond Eurocentric and elite-centric narratives, this work opens new debates for critical explorations of development. This in turn shapes growing efforts at diversifying and decolonising the field, making it a global discipline.