Director's Seminar & Thinkspace Panel: London's infrastructure: flows of people, data and finance
20 November 2018, 6:30 pm–9:00 pm

We are joined by Mr Paul Finch, Prof. Caroline Knowles, Prof. Nick Tyler and Dr Riccardo di Clemente for a joint IGP Director's Seminar with ThinkSpace
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
Hanna Baumann
G12The Bartlett22 Gordon StreetLondonWC1H 0QB
We use Eventbrite for Soundbite and Director's Seminars registrations. Please sign up through the link above, and note that seating is offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
This event is part of the Institute for Global Prosperity's Director's Seminars series and is co-organised with Thinkspace.
This panel will discuss the urban flows, both material and intangible, that make up London. In exploring the dynamic between financialisation and urban process, Caroline Knowles will highlight the global conduits running through the city supporting the lifestyles of the city’s über-wealthy inhabitants. Nick Tyler and Riccardo di Clemente will demonstrate how improved understandings of human behaviour, and the use of innovative data sources, can help in rethinking the city and its transport systems in more inclusive ways.
Panel chair: Paul Finch, Editorial Director, Architect's Journal
Caroline Knowles, Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths, and Programme Director of the British Academy's Cities and Infrastructure Programme
Nick Tyler, Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering, UCL
Riccardo di Clemente, Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL