
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


IGP Director's Seminars and Soundbites series Autumn 2017

05 October 2017–14 December 2017, 1:00 pm–6:00 pm

Jeremy Oppenheim, Guy Standing, Indy Johar

An overview of the IGP Director's Seminars and Soundbites series for Autumn 2017.

Event Information

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UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


UCL Main Campus

Directors Seminars

‘Prosperity and Revolution’

Does the attainment of Global Prosperity require a series of tweaks or modifications in human behaviour, institutions and systems, or is more radical revolutionary change required? This term’s speakers will directly address the question of radical revolution for Prosperity across a range of fields, from revolutions in design and innovation, to revolutions in wages and welfare, revolutionary natural resource use, and revolutionary economics.

Director's Seminars take place at 4 - 6pm.

12th October: Professor Mikko Koria
Loughborough University London
Professor of Design Innovation and Director of the Institute for Design Innovation

Register on Eventbrite.

2nd November: Professor Guy Standing
Professorial Research Associate and co-President of the Basic Income Earth Network

Register on Eventbrite.

16th November: Kate Burningham and Sue Venn are Deputy Director and Research Fellow at the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.

Register on Eventbrite.

30th November: The talk on the 30th November was initially supposed to be with Jeremy Oppenheim, but this has been postponed to next term. The new speaker on the 30th November is Dr Clare Melhuish, and the talk will be on transistions to sustainable and prosperous places.

Register on Eventbrite.

14th December: Michael Jacobs
Director of the Commission on Economic Justice, Institute for Public Policy Research

Register on Eventbrite.


This term’s selection of practitioner soundbites offer an illuminating insight into the work of diverse individuals and organisations working to realise Global Prosperity from outside of academia. Topics include presentations on policy work at the heart of government, innovations in democracy and the renewable energy sector, cooperative financial support for the self-employed and the re-thinking of digital lives.

Soundbites take place at 1 - 2pm

5th October: Alexandra Meagher
Cabinet Office
Senior Policy Advisor in the Government Inclusive Economy Unit

Register on Eventbrite.

19th October: Indy Johar
Co-founder of 00, Senior Innovation Associate with the Young Foundation, and Co-founder of Dark Matter Laboratories

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26th October: Hayden Wood
Co-founder of Bulb energy

Register on Eventbrite.

23rd November: Stuart Field
Community development financial consultant and BreadFunds

Register on Eventbrite.

7th December: Barbara Miranda
co-Founder, Offline House Portugal

Register on Eventbrite.

Please note that venues are to be confirmed. Stay up-to-date by signing up for our newsletter.