Module Content
This module engages students in practically generating novel institutions, communities, policies and ethics around emergent solutions to the climate crisis and biodiversity loss and to prototype integrated approaches to natural prosperity. The module will be situated within the IGP’s ground-breaking Transforming Tomorrow Initiative (TTI), which is designed to address these challenges. Through TTI, students will explore a series of new approaches to democratising research and public engagement, creating innovative forms of knowledge sharing, deliberative reasoning and experimental policymaking. Students on the module will form a community prosperity laboratory within the TTI initiative that mirrors Prosperity Laboratories deployed directly in IGP research. This will provide students with unique opportunities for engagement with a wide range of IGP projects around the world. Students will use these engagements to identify, design and deliver a project of their choosing from their country of origin or from a country where the IGP works. Students will have access to the TTI’s portfolio of existing projects and initiatives including the TTI African Assembly and the IGP’s SDG-focused millennial business community Fast Forward 2030. The module will draw on the expertise of a number of innovation leaders and futurists who are part of the IGP community. The aim of the module is for students to engage with adaptive epistemologies and interdisciplinary approaches as a means to derive new collaborative solutions to major Natural Prosperity challenges building from recent productive attempts to decolonise current solution frameworks.
The module is taught through ten core learning topics (10hrs) with the addition of two group work labs (5 hrs) and two hackathons (5 hrs) within the Transforming Tomorrow/FastForward 2030 network. Teaching will include a range of online asynchronous and resources alongside live classes. Students are expected to complete the set key readings prior to the commencement of the teaching session and to come ready to discuss key topics and issues arising from the reading. Students may also be asked to submit basic non-assessed material for discussion in class.
Illustrative module outline
- Innovation Regimes and Knowledge Sharing
- Decolonising Production
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Technologies of Humility
- Transformations in Care for the Anthropocene
- Designing a Green New Deal
- Experimental and Participatory Planetary Policy
- Experimental Forms of Ethical Deliberation
- Tinkering and Design
- Futuristic Thinking