Urban Pamphleteer #5 - DPU contributions
22 September 2015

UCL Urban Laboratory has published the fifth edition of the Urban Pamphleteer, this issue focusing on Global Urban Higher Education, with a number of contributions from DPU researchers and academics. Urban Pamphleteer #5: Global Education for Urban Futures (pdf) features projects that document, contextualise and comment on existing pedagogies and teaching, as well as critiques of existing models, and suggestions of future challenges and opportunities.
It highlights innovative, critical and speculative pedagogies that are inter and trans-disciplinary, practice-oriented, and comparative; and which help to facilitate international collaboration through visual methods and digital platforms.
The issue includes contributions from the DPU's Caren Levy, Barbara Lipietz, Julian Walker, Adriana Allen, Alex Frediani, Camillo Boano, Rita Lambert, Giorgio Talocci and Giovanna Astolfo. The series is edited by Ben Campkin (Director, UCL Urban Laboratory) and Rebecca Ross (Graphic Communication Design, Central Saint Martins).
Urban Pamphleteer #5 has been supported by the UCL Grand Challenge of Sustainable Cities and the Urban Lab+ International Network of Urban Laboratories (Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 3). Read Urban Pamphleteer #5 (pdf)
Previous editions Urban Pamphleteer can be read at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/urbanlab/research/urban-pamphleteer