Tracing peri-urban pathways to Water Justice
19 January 2015
Can alternative water supply arrangements fill in the gap of peri-urbanisation without infrastructure in Kolkata, Cochabamba and Dar es Salaam?

Adriana Allen and Pascale Hofmann are currently in Kolkata to explore the potential of institutional and everyday practices to build water justice in a context where unmet needs are growing fastest and where conventional centralised networks are unlikely to become the norm.
This is the second venture of WatJust, a network for translocal learning that examines pathways to water justice in peri-urban Kolkata, Cochabamba and Dar es Salaam. Funded by the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC) Transformations to Sustainability Programme, this learning platform includes a group of renowned partners from academia and practice.
This trip traces the peri-urban waterscape of the East Kolkata Wetlands and brings together part of the team both for a hands-on exploration of this fascinating case and participation in a two-day Conference on Sustainable Urbanisation in India: Challenges and opportunities, organised by project partner Jenia Mukherjee at the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (15-16 January 2015).
The DPU team are also joined in this occasion by Asish Ghosh (CED, Kolkata) and Wilbard Kombe (ARDHI University, Dar es Salaam).
@allenDPUadriana & Pascale Hofmann are currently in Kolkata India researching on urban water justice
— Dev. Planning Unit (@dpu_ucl) January 19, 2015
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