
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Episode 3: Urban economic development

Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South

urban economic development
View all episodes of the Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South series. 

Prof Le-Yin Zhang, Dr Naji Makarem and Dr Alexandra Panman

Dr Alessio Koliulis

Further reading

Zhang, L.Y. (2015). Managing the City Economy: Challenges and Strategies in Developing Countries. London: Routledge

Panman, A. (2019). Surveys and the City: 3 Challenges to Quality Data Collection in Urban Areas, available online at: https://www.oxfordurbanists.com/magazine/2019/4/17/surveys-and-the-city-three-challenges-to-quality-data-collection-in-urban-areas

Storper, M., Kemeny, T.,  Makarem, N., Osman, T. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Urban Economies: Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Stanford: Stanford University Press

UN-HABITAT. (2016) Finance for City Leaders Handbook, UN, New York, https://doi.org/10.18356/83733259-en.