Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South
View all episodes of the Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South series.

Dr Kamna Patel and Dr Andrea Rigon
Dr Lilian Schofield
Further reading
Anderson, Mary B., 1996, ‘Understanding Difference and Building Solidarity: a Challenge to Development Initiatives’, in Deborah Eade (ed.), Development and Social Diversity, Oxfam (UK and Ireland), pp. 7-15
Levy, C. (2009). Viewpoint: Gender justice in a diversity approach to development?: The challenges for development planning. International Development Planning Review, 31(4), i-xi.
Patel, K. (2017). What is in a name? How caste names affect the production of situated knowledge. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(7):1011-1030. DOI:10.1080/0966369X.2017.1372385
Patel, K. (2016). Encountering the state through legal tenure security: perspectives from a low income resettlement scheme in urban India. Land Use Policy, 58:102-113. DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.07.016
Patel, K. (2016). Sowing the seeds of conflict? Low income housing delivery, community participants and inclusive citizenship in South Africa. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies, 59(13):2738-2757. DOI:10.1177/0042098015572090
Rigon, A. (2017). Intra-settlement politics and conflict in enumerations. Environment and Urbanization, 29(2), pp. 581-596. doi:10.1177/0956247817700339
Rigon, A. (2014). Building Local Governance: Participation and Elite Capture in Slum-upgrading in Kenya. Development and Change, 45 (2), pp. 257-283. doi:10.1111/dech.12078