961 results

Prof Michael Batty Publishes Research on Mobile Phone Data in Nature Cities Journal
Michael Batty has co-authored an article published in the first issue of Nature Cities. The paper proposes using data from the world’s 7+ billion mobile-phone users as a proxy of the temporal and spatial connections that make cities what they are.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Working Paper 237
Digital Twins in City Planning…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Research Measures Urban Inequalities using Deep Learning
Dr Esra Suel, Lecturer in City Modelling at The Bartlett’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), is researching urban inequalities and change from street and satellite images using deep learning.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Working Paper 236
Building a Digital Twin for British Cities…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Professor Michael Batty Elected as Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Michael Batty, Emeritus Professor of Planning, is one of 30 international fellows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences elected in 2023.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

The Bartlett Virtual Graduate Open Days
Book your place at our range of taster lectures, Q&As and info sessions.…
Faculty of the Built Environment|UCL Energy Institute|UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering|UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage|UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources|The Bartlett School of Planning|UCL Institute for Global

Designing Adaptable Healthcare Spaces
How innovative spatial design has helped transform care at a London eye hospital.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

New Interactive Installation at UCL East Invites Visitors to Communicate with the Planet
Tellus Mater, conceived by CASA’s Connected Environments team, is an AI that imagines itself as the spirit of the Earth.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Working Paper 235
Canonical rents in the gravity model…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Working Paper 234
The challenge of sustainably increasing housing supply in Greater London and the Green Belt: A spatial analysis of new build development and travel sustainability 2011-2022…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis