
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 129


1 February 2008

Urban and regional dynamics - 2: an hierarchical model of interacting regions

It is argued that there are at least four distinct levels at which it is appropriate to build urban and regional models, and that these are then linked. Two archetypal models are presented - at very coarse aggregated scales to illustrate the idea - one, regional, appropriate to the top three levels, in section 2, one appropriate for the lower urban level in section 3.

A notation is developed in section 4 for the concise representation of the hierarchical system and some policy implications for the deployment of the system are outlined. Some next steps are briefly considered in the final section.

This working paper is available as a PDF. The file size is 355KB.

Authors: Alan Wilson

Publication Date: 1/2/2008

Download working paper No. 129.