The Bartlett School of Architecture’s Response to Reports of Sexism and Racism
9 June 2021
The school is taking steps to understand recent criticism and to deepen our resolve for equity, equality, diversity and inclusivity.
Core to the purpose of a school is the perpetual duty to learn and to listen, and there is no more important point in our journey as an institution than to focus on those responsibilities now.
Recent reports of sexism and racism at The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL have been upsetting for many individuals and communities within and beyond the school, and we respect the courage of those who have shared their experiences. We encourage anyone wanting to share to use UCL’s Report + Support portal, so that we can learn and do better.
Meanwhile, the school acknowledges the need to address calls for change and to accelerate the positive work we have been doing in recent years. We are currently focused on listening carefully to the voices from our community, past and present, who feel let down. We will fully engage with the independent investigation that will follow, with a clear aim to tackle and eradicate systemic discrimination and unacceptable behaviour in all their forms.
Support for current and former students
- The Student Support and Wellbeing Team provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space, in which you can discuss any issues that may be affecting your ability to study.
- UCL Dignity Advisors are a first point of contact for staff and students who may be experiencing bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct.