*New Lectureship* Lecturer in Theoretical and/or Observational Studies of the High Redshift Universe
27 February 2024
The Astrophysics Group invites applications for a Lectureship in Theoretical and/or Observational Studies of the High Redshift Universe.
The Astrophysics Group invites applications for a Lectureship in Theoretical and/or Observational Studies of the High Redshift Universe. The high redshift universe, corresponding to the first billion years of cosmic history, is coming into sharp focus with new observational facilities such as JWST, Simons Observatory, Euclid, DESI, PFS, Rubin-LSST and, within a decade, E-ELT, SKA, CMB-S4, Litebird, LISA. Taken together, these will give unprecedented insight into the build-up of large scale structure, galaxies, stars and black hole populations across cosmic time, in turn shedding light on the nature of dark matter, dark energy and neutrinos.
The successful candidate will be required to carry out world-leading research in terms of originality, significance and rigour; play a leading role in helping to foster the research environment within the group and the department, and engage in external activities that bring national and international esteem to the group and UCL.
Candidates will need to upload a CV (including a list of publications), a statement of research interests and plans (3 pages maximum), and the contact information for three references. A cover letter can be included using the “Statement in Support of your Application” section of the online form.
If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Kay Nakum, k.nakum@ucl.ac.uk (+44 (0)20 7679 3458)
Informal enquiries regarding the vacancy can be made to: Prof Giovanna Tinetti, g.tinetti@ucl.ac.uk
Further information and the application process can be found here.