2023 Gruber Prize in Cosmology
17 July 2023
The International Prize Program honors individuals in the fields of Cosmology, Genetics, and Neuroscience, whose groundbreaking work provides new models that inspire and enable fundamental shifts in knowledge and culture.

The incredibly prestigious 2023 Gruber Prize in Cosmology was awarded to our very own Prof. Richard Ellis. A huge congratulations to Richard!
He was presented the 2023 Gruber Prize in Cosmology at the conference “Shedding New Light on the First Billion Years of the Universe” in Marseille, France on July 6th. The shortened citation reads “Over the past five decades Richard Ellis’s innovations have reimagined cosmology in fundamental ways. His observations have pushed the cosmic horizon—how far across the universe we can see—to a period close to the development of the first galaxies. Meanwhile the instruments he conceived, then shepherded through development and execution, have transformed myriad astronomical methodologies.”
At the ceremony the full citation was described by Professor Jean-Loup Puget (Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Université de Paris Sud, co-recipient of the 2018 Gruber Prize in Cosmology) and the award itself was presented by Sarah Hrera (Executive Vice President of the Gruber Foundation).
Photo credit: Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation 2023