
Arts Sciences


BASC0083 The Creative Health Lab

'Creative Health is defined as creative approaches and activities which have benefits for our health and wellbeing’ (National Centre for Creative Health). The term was coined in 2017 by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and wellbeing, and since then the sector has grown organically as a movement led by passionate and creative practitioners, scholars and professionals from a range of sectors. Like other social justice movements those entering the sector need a range of skills and experience drawn from diverse and interdisciplinary areas.

In this module students will gain an understanding of the depth and breadth of the field of Creative Health by developing critical and core skills which will be applied to the diverse way in which practitioners, funders, scholars and policymakers approach Creative Health.

Creative Health is a diverse field encompassing activities including visual and performing arts, crafts, film, literature, heritage, cooking and creative activities in nature, such as gardening. Approaches may involve creative and innovative ways to approach health and care services, co-production, education and workforce development. To this end students need a range of skills and core knowledge to understand how Creative Health intersects with a range of sectors (voluntary and third sector; health and social care; communities; local authorities; academia).

Designed to complement the other core MASc Creative Health modules, students will develop and hone skills in critical thinking, evidence appraisal, personal wellbeing and safeguarding, collaboration and coproduction, reflexive thinking, creativity and innovation, personal and professional development and leadership.


The summative assessment for this module is an individual portfolio (3000 word essay/30-page equivalent) which will be developed across 3 terms (final submission at the end of term 3). The assessment will adopt a patchwork assessment approach where each ‘patch’ of activity addressing the module learning outcomes acts as a pivotal learning moment based on thematic phases (as outlined in the indicative topics). 

Students will participate in an ongoing production of a personalised portfolio with key milestones and themes agreed by the whole class at the start of the module. The purpose is for students demonstrate knowledge and understanding over time, to produce a full summative account which will be submitted for assessment.