MicroPasts Knowledge Exchanges follows from the original MicroPasts project which was funded under the AHRC call for Digital Transformations in Community Research Co-Production in the Arts and Humanities for an initial period of 18 months (1 October 2013 to 31 March 2015). During this time, the MicroPasts team developed, implemented and started to evaluate a novel model to support collaborative research in archaeology, history and heritage that draws on crowd-sourcing, co-design and crowd-funding.
Building on these results, the new AHRC Follow-on project will enable a programme of knowledge exchange and further evaluation with two linked aims:
- To study and implement a community-led model of platform and project management that is sustainable in the longer-term.
- To inform heritage policy and practice in the UK, and guide private and public investments in participatory projects that use crowd-sourcing and/or crowd-funding.
Research Objectives
- With interested MicroPasts contributors, to discuss and define the specific ways in which they would be willing to take responsibility for the day-to-day running of the MicroPasts websites, the development and maintenance of collaborations with partnering institutions (in higher education, but also Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums - GLAM) and the coordination of the MicroPasts volunteer and donor groups.
- Together with interested MicroPasts contributors, to develop the technical resources, guidelines and skills that are necessary for a community-led model of platform and project management to become fully operational.
- With policy-makers, analysts and practitioners in the heritage sector, to review and discuss the methods and results of the evaluation conducted in the lifetime of MicroPasts.
- Together with policy-makers, analysts and practitioners in the heritage sector, to develop knowledge on the benefits generated by the use of crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding, for individuals, communities and heritage, and on the best methods to capture them.