
Institute of Archaeology


Human Remains and Forensic Anthropology

The UCL Institute of Archaeology undertakes research on human skeletal remains, human dentition, the study of health and variation in past populations and forensic applications in these areas.

One research focus is the process of growth in remains of children, particularly through the microscopic layered growth of dental enamel. Another focus is palaeopathology, including both skeletal and dental disease, diagnostic and epidemiological problems. Staff are active in research on the morphology of teeth and jaws and the heavy tooth wear which they show. As part of research in this area, staff have also developed new techniques for excavating, conserving, recording and storing human remains, from cemetery sites in Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Peru.

This research area has trained large numbers of MSc and PhD students, some of whom go into professional crime scene forensic investigation, while others have researched past human populations and their health. Major funders have included the Wellcome Trust, AHRC and Leverhulme.
