
Institute of Archaeology


Comics and Archaeological Heritage

24 May 2023, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Colourful comic image on a purple background showing five people, one of whom is carrying away and artefact while two exclaim in Arabic (speech bubbles)

A conversation between Nasser Junior and Heba Abd el Gawad about Egypt's Dispersed Heritage will take place at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology on 24 May.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Dr Alice Stevenson

Join Egyptian Egyptologist Heba Abd el Gawad and Comic Artist Mohamed Nasser for a conversation on using comics to engage with difficult questions about colonialism, eugenics, looting, and museum display.

This event is part of the AHRC-funded Egypt’s Dispersed Heritage project.

The AHRC-funded Artefacts of Excavation project revealed the expansive legacy of British fieldwork in Egypt and its distribution of archaeological finds to around 350 museums, in 27 countries, across 5 continents. No other area of world archaeology has a material legacy on this scale and 'ancient Egypt' remains one of the most popular types of museum exhibit worldwide. Yet that colonial history of dispersal is little known in Egypt itself and Egyptians have largely been disenfranchised from it. 

The Egypt's Dispersed Heritage impact project is to ensure that Egyptians benefit from our UK-based findings on the dispersal of their heritage, to foster and increase capacity for international dialogue and knowledge exchange about these collections and histories, and to transform and empower Egyptian narratives around them. At the same time we wish to transform awareness in the UK of modern Egyptian interest in its heritage.

For further information please contact Alice Stevenson (alice.stevenson@ucl.ac.uk).