
Institute of Archaeology


Who can I be now? Creating community identities in pre-Roman Italy

20 October 2020, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

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Edward Herring (National University of Ireland, Galway) will give the first virtual Accordia Lecture of the 2020-21 series on 20 October.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Prof Ruth Whitehouse

The lecture, which will be given online via Zoom, is entitled Who can I be now? Creating community identities in pre-Roman Italy and all are welcome. 


This lecture investigates the understanding of community identities in Italy in first millennium BC. Through a series of case-studies, mostly drawn from Southern and Central Italy, it seeks to interrogate: the definition of groups as “peoples” or “tribes” and the assumption of an ethnic-basis to community identities; the construction of group- and site-level identities; the problem of being reliant upon outsiders’ perspectives, such as those of Greek and Roman writers, on group identities; the behaviour of groups within the historical sources as political actors rather than cultural entities; wherein lay the principal locus of identity – the “tribal” level or that of the individual community; and the relationship between tribal or group names and material culture patterning. It is argued that community identities were always a construction that oftentimes involved the active selection or deselection of elements from a community’s heritage and history, and that this is not always sufficiently acknowledged by scholarship.

The Accordia lecture series is jointly sponsored by the Institute of Classical Studies (Institute of Advanced Study, University of London) and by the UCL Institute of Archaeology.

For any enquiries about the Accordia Lectures on Italy 2020-21 series, and to obtain relevant Zoom links, please contact Prof Ruth Whitehouse (accresearch20@gmail.com). 

Programme | Accordia Lectures on Italy 2020-21