
Institute of Archaeology


Studies of Ancient Egypt: A Chinese Perspective

14 November 2019, 6:00 pm–7:00 pm

Studies of Ancient Egypt: A Chinese Perspective

Tian Tian (UCL) will give the first ICCHA China Night Research Seminar of 2019-20 at the UCL Institute of Archaeology on 14 November.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







ICCHA Centre Administrator (Rui Pang)


Room 612
Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Square


The study of the ancient Egyptian language, philosophy and material culture is generally the task of Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology: two disciplines that sprang from European research culture that gained traction in the early 19th century. However, outside Europe, other cultures also had their receptions of ancient Egypt that deserve our attention. As the European colonial powers reached China in the mid-19th century, the Chinese, like Europeans, encountered and studied ancient Egypt through lenses defined by their unique culture. This seminar will briefly review how the Chinese have studied ancient Egypt since the 1840s. From this, we can investigate how the changing political landscape, traditions in historiography and palaeography, and tides of nationalism shaped studies of ancient Egypt in China.


Tian Tian is currently in the final stages of his PhD research at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. His study experimentally applies the theory of practice to investigate changes of grave goods in Egyptian burials during the third millennium BC. During his PhD study, he had developed interests in Egyptian languages, the history of archaeology and inter-disciplinary approaches that combine archaeology and psychology theory.

This talk will be presented in English, followed by a wine reception at the Staff and Research Student Common Room (609). No booking is required and all are welcome.

Any enquiries about the event or work of the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology (ICCHA) may be directed to the Centre Administrator, Rui Pang.

The International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology, a joint association between the School for Archaeology and Museology of Peking University and the UCL Institute of Archaeology, is tasked with bringing China's cultural past to western scholars. Through its China Nights events and Guest Lecture Series, the Centre endeavours to promote all aspects of Chinese history and prehistory and strengthen academic links between China and Europe. In addition, the ICCHA regularly hosts world-class conferences, bridge the gap in archaeological thought and theory.