
UCL Anthropology


Medical Anthropology Blog Posts

Indigenous in the Brazilian Amazon: Refusing Missionaries and ‘Us’, the Global Plague


Last Sunday started with my phone ringing from a Dutch government alert. On my screen, as for all citizens of the country that use a smartphone (2G or 3G models did not receive it):

 “Noodmelding NL alert22-03-2020. Volg instructies Rijksoverheid op: houd 1,5 meter afstand! Bent U ziek of verkouden? Bijf thuis. Bescherm Uzelf en de mensen om U heen. Samen tegen Corona. Keep your distance to others[1]“.

Coronavirus- Is this our Microbiopolitical Moment?


Despite following the early emergence of coronavirus with zeal — a combination of intellectual intrigue and morbid fascination with the science fiction potential of pandemic — it took me some time to fully digest the wholesale impact of the current contagion. I can’t deny that this may also have been somewhat facilitated by the pantomime of leadership on the issue, which can only be described as dark satire; fronted by a warbling narcissist full of the delusion of his pedigree.

Same Virus, Different Temporalities: Anticipations From Mexico


21st of March – Oaxaca, Mexico – Day 5 of voluntary quarantine

It’s the 21st of March and the official epidemiological record in Mexico reports 203 confirmed cases of Covid-19, 606 suspicious cases, and 2 deaths. Compared with the 47,021 cases of people detected with SARS-Cov-2 in Italy or the 19,980 in Spain since the beginning of the epidemic outbreak, the Mexican numbers still look contained.

Grasping for Unity in a Divided Britain: Ageism, Brexit-Era Politics & the COVID-19 ‘Boomer Remover’


On the 19th March, the day before Boris Johnson ordered restaurants closed, I walked past the window of a packed Wagamama.

The day that it had been announced that London would be facing lockdown, tube stations would be closing, and the UK had reached a state of emergency…and there, in that Wagamama, was a group of young adults, so manned that they filled one of the restaurant chain’s distinctive long benches with spill-over.
