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Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 6695 Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 8632 E-mail: m.stewart@ucl.ac.uk
PhD, Social Anthropology
London School of Economics, 1988
Professional History
Oct 2002-2003 | Senior Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, Budapest (Collegium Budapest) |
Oct 2000-Sept 01 | Rubin Research Fellow at School of Public Policy working on Romany Holocaust history |
Oct 2000 | Senior Lecturer in Anthropolgy, UCL |
Oct 1999 | Lecturer in Anthropology, UCL |
Oct 1997-Sept 1999 | Temporary Lecturer in Anthropology, University College London |
Jan-Sept 1997 | Leverhulme Research Fellow, Dept. of Anthropology, London School of Economics |
Oct 1996-Jan 1997 | Producer, Fulcrum Productions (Independent TV company) |
May-Sep 1996 | Producer, Brook Associates (Independent TV company) |
1995 | Producer, BBC Timewatch |
Oct 1992-May 1996 | ESRC Research Fellow, Dept. Anthropology, London School of Economics (intermitted year of 1995) |
Jan-Oct 1992 | Research Associate, Universite de Paris X a Nanterre. |
Oct-Dec 1991 | Part Time Teaching, Dept Social Anthropology, Cambridge. |
1989-1990 | Temporary Lecturer in Social Anthropology, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge. |
1987-1991 | Junior Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Elected October 1987 for three years. Extended one year until September 1991 |
1982-1983 | Member of 'The Leveller' newspaper Collective. |
Sept-1981_May-1983 | Gypsy Site Warden and acting Social Worker, London Borough Hammersmith and Fulham |
1979-1983 | Theatre Critic Tribune Newspaper. |
Other Appointments and Affiliations
1987 | present Member of Association of Social Anthropologists |
1990-92 | Member European Association of Social Anthropologists |
Sept 1990 | Joint Organiser, Royal Anthropological Institute East European Ethnographic Film Festival, Manchester University. |
1990 | Visitor, Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, (May). |
Oct-Dec-1991 | Consultant on Data-base use in Anthropology (for Professor Alan Macfarlane), Dept. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge. |
1998 | Appointed as International Consultant with joint responsibility for ethnographic research on Ford Foundatuion funded three year project, directed by Ivan Szelenyi ($400,000): Racialization and feminization of poverty during market transition: the Central and Southern European case. |
1999 | Course Director for Central European University Summer School on curriculum development and Roma (Gypsy) issues, summer 1999. (repeated 2001) |
1999 | Journal of Romani Studies - Editorial Board |
1999 | Romany Education Working Group Member, Reporting to Educational Sub Board, OSI |
2000 | Member Editorial Board, FOOCAL, Journal of Anthropological Theory, Netherlands |
2000 | Member Editorial Board, Romanian Journal of Society and Politics |
2002 | Member International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS/'BIDS') Online Virtual Advisory Board |
2003 | Advisor to Open Society Archives on development of Romany Holdings archive. |
2003 | Member of Advisory Board administering Scholarships to Romany students for Foundation Year training at Central European University. |
2003 | Advisor to Research Group for Phare funded Roma projects in the Ministry of Education, Hungary |
2004 | Course organiser for Hungarian Ministry of Education Phare programme: The teaching of Romany issues in Hungarian Educational Issues. 12 month occasional course for educational trainers. |
2004 | Founding Board Member, Roma Access Program, Central European University (Foundation year for graduate Romany students). |
2004 | Member Board of Trustees of Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences - Budapest. |
2005 | Member of the Conseil Scientifique of the French national museum, Musee de l'Europe et de la Mediteranee (formerly Arts et Traditions Populaires), Marseilles. |
2008 | Evaluator, Marie Curie ITN program, for the European Commission, Sept-Nov 2008. |
2008 | Found Roma Research Network (European and Hungarian levels). |
2009-10 | Member of Expert Evaluation team for the French Speaking Universities of Belgium in the fields of Sociology and Anthropology (QAA equivalent). |
2010-11 | Chair of the Expert Evaluation team for Anthropology in Lithuania (QAA equivalent). |
2011 | Found Open City - London Documentary Film Festival at UCL 4 day Festival with 170 films - see ww.opencitylondon.com |
I have peer reviewed grant applications for the ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, OSI/Higher
Education Support Program, Czech and Belgian Academy of Sciences and books for
Berg, Cornell, Granta & Routledge. I have peer reviewed journal articles for
Comparative Studies in Society and History, Critique of Anthropology, Journal of
Material Culture, Man (now JRAI), American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist,
Social Anthropology, Terrain, Voluntas, International Migration Studies, Ethnicities
& former The Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Prizes, Awards and other Honours
1981 | Maurice Freeman Memorial Prize, Finalists Dissertation, LSE |
1989 | Nominated for BAFTA award for 'State of Fear' (Communism and Nationalism under Ceausescu), Everyman, Associate Producer. |
1989 | New York Film Festival, Best Documentary Film, 'The Forgotten Holocaust: The Persecution of Gypsies by the Nazis'. Inside Story, BBC1. Anthropological Consultant |
1991 | 'Best Foreign Ethnographic Film', International Film Festival, Sibiu.' What Magdalena Said' (the persecution of Gypsies in the post-Communist Czech republic) BBC Everyman, BBC1. Director. |
1997 | European Community Humanitarian Office Television Award for Best Film on Human Rights 1997. 'Justice', (Part one of three films on Truth, Justice and reconciliation across the world), BBC2, June/July 1997. Producer. |
1999 | Special Commendation (Runner up) Victor Turner Prize of the American Anthropological Association for Best Ethnographic Writing 1998. |
2002 | Fellowship (10 months) Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest). |
2007-2009 | EU Commission, Fp6. Marie Curie Series of Seminars and Events. Romany Studies, Contract No.: MSCF-CT-2006- 045799. Total value 250,000 Euros. Training for 25 doctorands working on Romany issues in Europe. This grant is held at CEU. |
2006-2010 | EU Commission, Fp6. Marie Curie Early Stage Training Network. Coordinator. European Partnership for Qualitative Research Training (Social Anthropology) Contract No: MESTCT 2005-020702. Total Value, 1.9m€ Training for 14 Phd students and forty doctoral visits during the life of the project. This grant is linked with CEU Soc-Anth dept. |
2006 | Arts and Humanities Research Council. Grant for a Sabbatical term to complete writing of book. Value £13,000. |
2003 | Jointly (with Janos Ladanyi of B.K.A.E., Budapest) won the contract from the Hungarian Ministry of Education (Phare Office) to run a series of seminars and a summer school on 'Critical Approaches to Romany Studies' from October 2003- September 2004. |
2001 | Central Research Fund, University of London, costs of travel to Romania and Ukraine for Romany Holocaust Research |
2000 | (From June): Rubin Fellow in Human Rights at the School of Public Policy, UCL. (Full Salary) |
2000 | British Academy International Academic Networks award (£15,000) for three conferences linking US, British, Romanian and Hungarian academics working on the NSF funded project on the history of collectivisation in Romania. |
1999 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office grant to organise international seminar on Roma issues in Eastern Europe with Romany politicians from Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania. Organised for Civil Servants from FCO, DfID, Home Office, CRE etc.. |
1999 | Leverhulme: The Persecution of Gypsies in post 1989 Europe. An ethnographic and historical investigation with special reference to Central and Eastern Europe. (£95,000 for eight months) |
1998 | ESRC Citizenship and belonging: local expressions of political and economic restructuring (Award holder of £165,000, three year programme with Dr.s Ruth Mandel and Susan Pattie, inclusive of overheads) |
1997 | Open Society Institute, Rroma Regional Support Program: An investigation into the deportation and murder of Gypsies in the years 1939-1945, ($30,000, no term) |
1997 | (Jan) Leverhulme: The Persecution of Gypsies in post 1989 Europe. An ethnographic and historical investigation with special reference to Central and Eastern Europe. (£95,000 for eighteen months; suspended after 10 months). |
1996 | STICERD (£1,000), British Academy (£2,000) for costs of organising seminar on Marginality at LSE, September 1996 |
1992 | ESRC 'De-collectivisation in Romania: Two villages compared' (£116,000, for three years inclusive of overheads) |
1992 | Boursier du Gouvernement Francais, for Research post at Nanterre, to write up Gypsy research (Eight months) |
1989 | Tarsdalom Tudomany Intezet (Institute for Social Science) 60,000 forints for research in a factory with Gypsies |
1986 | Malinowski Fund Award (LSE) and Radcliffe-Brown Award for thesis writing up. |
1983 | ESRC personal, full award for all costs of PhD research |
Invited Talks
- 'Gypsy song' presented to Conference of European Folklore, Ochrid, Yugoslavia. July 1985. Organised by Macedonian Institute of Folklore.
- 'Gypsy Egalitarianism' to LSE Senior Research Seminar May 1986.
- 'Gypsy modes of speech' to Conference organised by Études Tsiganes, Paris December 1986.
- 'Gypsy Gambling' to LSE Senior Research Seminar February 1988 and to Cambridge Research seminar March 1988.
- 'Are Gypsies an Ethnic group? A critique of Barth' model of ethnicity, Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford March 1988.
- Paper , Gypsies, Horses and the Luck of Men, to Senior Research Seminar, Dept. of Anthropology, Manchester. May 1990.
- Paper 'I can't drink beer, I've just drunk water!' to E.A.S.A. founding conference, Coimbra September 1990.
- Paper on Gypsy Horse Markets to the E.S.R.C. funded Conference on Markets, St. Andrew's, January 1991.
- Paper on the Socialist Work Ethic, A.S.A. Conference Easter 1991, Cambridge.
- Paper to C.N.R.S. Colloque on Gypsies and Anthropology, Paris June 1991.
- Paper on Gender Representations among Hungarian Gypsies, Seminar on Gender Cambridge, 1991.
- Paper on Gypsy marginality to International meetging on Anthropology in Europe (section on Questions Sociales) June 1992 (Mission du Patrimoine, Min de la Culture).
- Paper on the Gypsy Holocaust to International Congress Histoire et memoire des crimes et genocides nazis, 23-27 nov 1992.
- Discussant at International Meeting on Anthropology in Europe, June 1993, Le Creuseot. (Mission du Patrimoine, Min de la Culture).
- Represented LSE at European Union Meeting on Social Science in Europe, December 1993, Strasbourg.
- Organiser of International seminar series (four French authors) on The Ethnography of Modern France, held jointly at Cambridge and LSE, 1993.
- Seminar Paper on Death rituals among Hungarian Gypsies, LSE research seminar, January 1994.
- Joint Organiser of seminar series on Culture and Politics of Marginality, at the LSE 1993-4.
- Paper to ESRC seminar series on Ethnicity and Gender at Birckbeck, June 1994.
- Paper and film presentation at Goldsmith's research seminar on An Anthropologist in Television, January 1996.
- Seminar Paper on De-collectivisation in Romania, Bucharest Dept of Sociology and Cluj Dept of Ethnology, April 1996
- Joint Organiser of STICERD and British Academy Funded International Seminar on Marginality, at LSE
- Paper on the symbolic construction of autonomy among Gypsies, Seminar on Marginality, LSE, September 1996.
- Seminar paper, Living in the Present (co-authored with S. Day and A. Papataxiarchis) presented at St. Andrews and Edinburgh Departments of Anthropology October 1997
- Seminar Paper, Lilies of the Field: Marginality and a Present Orientation, UCL Dept of Anthropology, November 1997
- Consultant and Commentator, Ford Foundation International meeting on Racialisation and Feminisation of Poverty, Budapest, April 1998
- Discussant, Collegium Budapest, One day Seminar, New Directions in Roma Research, May 1998
- Joint Organiser of UCL Social Anthropology Research Seminar, Oct-Dec 1998
- Lunchtime Lecturer, UCL, November 1998, Why are Gypsies the scapegoats in Eastern Europe today?
- Seminar Paper (Feb 1999) Gypsy Politics in post-Socialism, SSEES
- Seminar Paper (Feb 1999), The Romanian Gypsy Holocaust, CAMCREES, Cambridge
- Public Lecture, Commemoration, Memory and the Holocaust among Hungarian Roms. Central European University, (Feb 2000)
- Seminar Paper, An Anthropologist among the Policy Makers, School of Public Policy, UCL, Research Seminar. March 2000
- Seminar Paper, Europe and 'the People without history' - Roma and the Holocaust, UCLA Central and East Europe Research Seminar (I. Berend) April 2000
- Conference Presentation, What can the 'people without history' teach anthropologists about collective memory? European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference, Krawow July 2000
- Conference paper on Transnational identities in the Hungarian Diaspora 'beyond the borders', Cluj Conference on East and West in Anthropology
- Conference Paper, on Poverty, Ethnography and Post socialism for Max Planck Institute for Ethnographic Research, Halle: Anthropology Ten Years after 'the Fall', Nov. 2000
- Discussant, Association for Anthropology of Europe AT AAA meetings, San Fransisco Nov 2000, International Round Table on The Racialisation of Poverty in Eastern Europe
- Public Lecture, CEU The Roma - the underclass of post communism? December 2000
- Seminar Paper, The Plight of the Roma - A view from the Ghetto, School of Public Policy, UCL, Research Seminar. December 2000
- Public Lecure, Madison Wisconsin Centre for Russia, East Europe and Central Asia, on Representations of the Romany Holocaust, February 2000
- Public Lecture, Goethe Institut, Munchen, The Roma of eastern Europe under socialism and after, March 2000
- Keynote address to 21st Century Trust International Symposium on Collective Rights, Madingley Hall, Oct 30 2001
- Conference Paper on 'Discrimination, Politics and Culture: Divergent Perspectives on the - Discrimination, Culture and Poverty: the reproduction of Deprivation among Roma in CEE', Central European University/Centre for Policy Studies Dec 1 2001
- Round Table on Border and Transgressions, Hayward Gallery, January 24th 2002
- Public Lecture, The File on K.R.: Nazi Racial Hygiene and the 'Gypsies' CEU, Budapest Feb 14th 2002
- Public Lecture, Multicultural Hungarian Romany Policy: model or muddle? Westminster Foundation/British Association for Central and East European Studies, March 8th 2002
- Zita Réger and the language ideology of Hungarian Roma. Hungarian Academy of Science's Lingyuistics Research Institute Conference on Romany in the Carpathian Region.
- Observations on the development of Hungarian Romany Studies since 1990. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tudómányos Napok 2002. Budapest. November 2002.
- An anthropologist's reflections on patterns of Romany migration from CEE. Hungarian Academy of Science's Minority Research Institute. November 30 2002.
- A romany woman entangled in the Racial Health Bureaucracy, talk at Collegium Budapest May 2003.
- Politics and Menmomics - paper presented at St Andrew's Philosophy and Morality Seminar; Edinburgh University Social Anthropology Seminar Oct and Nov 2003
- The Romany Holocaust in light of the Jewish Shoah - address to European Union of Jewish Students Annual Conference, Budapest November 2003
- Rembrance, Narration and commemoration - University of Cambridge, Social Anthropology seminar Feb 2004
- Mobility and Poverty among East European Roma - Seminar presentation University of Essex East European politics and Society Seminar March 2004
- Forms of memory and forms of politics. Romanian and German holocaust histories. Public Lecture, CEU, April 2004
- Roma on the cusp of Accession, Public Lecture, Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 12th May, 2004
- 2005 - Public lectures at CEU, Budapest; EHESS, Paris; BBU, Cluj. Seminars at Sheffield University Department of History. LSE Festschrift seminar for M. Bloch.
- 2006 - M Bloch Festchrift Seminar - How does genocide happen? EASA round table on Anthropology in Eastern Europe, September 2006
- Sibiu International Ethnographic film festival - Jury member
- ERA meeting Budapest, Poverty, Educational failure and ethnic minorities in the EU. International Seminar.
- October 2007 Sibiu International Ethnographic film festival - Jury member
- January 2008 Seminar on Racism, Cambridge University Anthropology Department
- September 2008 Convenor, Panel on Anthropologies of eastern and western Europe at EASA conference
- December 2008, Public Lecture on New forms of anti-Gypsyism in Europe, Neprajzi Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary (Ethnographic Museum).
- Feb 2009 Convenor, National Conference on Racism, Violence and the Roma in Hungary today, 17th Feb. CEU, Budapest.
- July 2011 Lectures at Konitsa International Anthropological Summer School
- July 2011 Lectures at Summer School on Documentary Film at CEU
- Oct 2011 The Specificity of the Austrian persecution of the Roma, talk at Tsiganes, Nomades - un malentendu Europeen. 4 day conference Paris 6-9 October
Teaching Activity
2007-10 | Doctoral (Summer) School organiser for Central European University. Grant from Marie Curie: SCF 045799 Romany Studies |
2006-10 | Coordinator Marie Curie SocAnth (MEST-CT-2005-020702 - SOCANTH) - an international training program for doctoral students in anthropology, aiming to build anthropological research in and off eastern Europe. 540 person months of training offered. See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/mariecuriesocanth |
2003-6 | Guest lecturer for HESP funded program CRIT on Anthropology in Eastern Europe, held at Cluj Babes-Bolyai University |
2002 | Ethnographic and Documentary Film - a critical approach. New Course unit at UCL for Undergraduate and Masters' students of Anthropology. |
2001 | Course Director at Central European University summer school on 'The Plight of the Roma and Gypsy peoples' (a curriculum development programme for Eastern European academics). One Lecture course in the Nationalism Programme of CEU. |
2000 | Course Director, Two week HESP summer school on Romany Culture, Politics and Education, Budapest July. |
1999 | Course Director at Central European University summer school on 'The Plight of the Gypsies' (a curriculum development programme for Eastern European academics). One Lecture course in the Nationalism Programme of CEU. |
1998 | Lecturer at Central European University summer school on Gypsies in eastern Europe. |
1998 | Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity, Nationalism and Racism - with special reference to Roms and Romany peoples - CEU, Nationalism Studies 2 unit course. Taught each year util present- |
1998 | Devise new Anthropology course, B205, on ethnography of socialist and post-socialist societies (with R. Mandel) |
1997 | Re-devise Anthropology B107 (Introduction to Political & Economic Anthropology). Develop Anthropology C47/B102 Writing & methods course |
1993 | Devised original Half-unit 2nd/3rd year course on The Ethnography of Eastern Europe, L.S.E. |
1991 | Core Lectures in Part II Economic Anthropology on Production, Property, Money & Markets. |
1988-1992 | Lecture series at Cambridge in Economic Anthropology on Exchange and Markets. 1990 Lectures on Language (Pt. I), Social Theory, Religion, Inequality, Ethnographic Film |
1987-1992 | Supervisions in Cambridge for students doing Social Anthropology and Social and Political Science Tripos. |
General Interests
- Ethnic minorities and marginality
- Analysis of real socialism and of post-communism
- Markets and anthropological economics
- Film and anthropology
Current Research
I am writing-up an ethnographic cum historical monograph about the persecution of Roma, Sinti and other Gypsy people by the Nazis and their Axis allies.
I am also team leader on a research project on the changing position of ethnic Hungarians living in Slovakia, Romania and Serbia.
I am member of a research team (led by K Verdery and G Kligman) investigating the history of collectivisation in Romania.
PhD Students
First or joint supervisor to:
Anna Witeska - Politics and Memory in contemporary poland
Razvan Dumitru - Making a market in Moldova
Dimitra Kofti - Transformations in labour in a steel mill in post communist Bulgaria
Olga Lupu - Building the institutions of Democracy in Brasov, Romania
Andrew Thurston - The end of the peasantry in Romania?
Livia Paggetti - Romany 'nomads' in Rome
Meixuan Chen - Making 'home' in S West China
Inge Mascher - Marginality in Mexico city
Viorel Anastasoaie - Apprenticeship among Cuban Tobacco farmers
Natasha Beranek - Gender, poverty and politics among Czech Roma
Livia Jaroka- Creating a Gypsy national culture in the Budapest VIII district?
Sebina Sivac-Bryant - Memory, Commemmoration and Politics in contemporary Bosnia
Radu Umbres - Romanian migrant entrepreneurs, between Italy and Vilcea
Catalina Tesar - Romanian Romany migration to Italy
Marie Curie Fellows Supervised:
Martin Fotta (Goldsmiths) - Gypsy social forms in contemporary Brazil
Ana Bleahu (UCL) - The impact of legislation on Romanian migrants life-forms in Italy and Spain
Aniko Horvath (CEU/Babes Bolyai) - Intragenerational poverty in a subuurb of Cluj, Romania
Completed Phds:
Fran Deans - Culture, community and enterprise in a Hungarian Romany settlement Micro-credit schemes in Hungary
Sarah Posey - Masquerade and the meaning of work in rural Romania
Kathryn Tomlinson - Coping as kin: responses to suffering amongst displaced Meskhetian Turks in post-Soviet Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
Aet Annist - Seeking community: Post-Soviet centralised villages and the British community-building efforts