The Anthropology department has a student-staff queer network: QueerAnth, which meets several times a term and is open to all queer- or LGBTQI+ -identified and questioning staff and students as a safe communal and collective space. QueerAnth hosts an induction week party, and several social events over the course of the year - in the past we’ve had a trans poetry reading, a Queerstmas party, and a screening of the film 120 bpm with invited activists from ACT UP London for the Q+A. We also run seminar series and inclusive curriculum initiatives. We have a mailing list and a Facebook page, sign up to find out what events are running this term.
Useful LGBTQI+ resources:
If you want to change your name on the UCL record, please follow these steps:
- Please contact the Student Records team and they can update your name. Once they have completed the name change, this will update your display name on our systems accordingly (including Office 365).
- When your name has been updated, please email postmaster@ucl.ac.uk (must come from your UCL email) and we will update your email address as well.
Student Records contact details:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 4126
Email: studentrecords@ucl.ac.uk
Out @UCL has developed a network to give LGBTQ+ staff, students and visitors an inclusive environment.
- More info on LGBTQ+ equality at UCL
- LGBTQI+ Equality Steering Group
- Supporting trans people in the workplace
- Guidance from the Student’s Union on changing your gender