
UCL Anthropology


Undergraduate Term 3 Event Calendar 2022/23

Here are some of the talks and events happening in the department over Term 3.


DateTimeStudent groupEventRoom
Monday 24 April - Friday 12 MayFull schedule hereAll UG yearsShut up and Write SessionsFull schedule here
Mon 15-May to Wed 17-May11am - 4/5pmAll UG years

UG Anthropology Careers Week - booking essential, here

The Anthropology Careers Week is a three-day immersion which comprises a series of interlinked workshops and talks where undergraduate students will have the opportunity to: a. reflect on their personal and professional experiences; b. learn to talk about their skills; c. develop their professional narrative, while also practicing it with peers; d. build a LinkedIn profile; e. and meet face to face with anthropologists working in different sectors, so to understand how anthropology is used beyond academia.

IOE - Bedford Way (20) & Archaeology G6 Lecture Theatre
Fri 26-May10am-2pmCompulsory for all UG 2nd years

2nd Year Individual Studies Term 3 Workshop - booking not required

This workshop invites all 2nd year students to a day of looking ahead to your dissertation work taking place next year. Together with the Individual Studies convenor and anthropology staff, we will spend the day collectively thinking through key areas in preparation for next year and how to make the most of your Individual Studies learning journey. Among the topics we will be looking at are: the dissertation journey, using library resources, research options and methods, positionality, representation, and ethics.

Fri 26-May1-4pmAll UG years

Technology in Science-Fiction Movies and TV Series - booking essential, here (event hosted by the Centre for the Anthropology of Technics and Technodiversity)

This event invites all students, undergraduate - and postgraduate students, to think through how “technology” is portrayed as a major protagonist in Science-Fiction visual media, be it TV series or movies. While the Space Opera genre (e.g. Star Wars Franchise, Dune) often uses futuristic technics as a background for political or moral conflicts, other movies and TV series (such as The Matrix, Black Mirror, GATTACA, or the two Blade Runner) focus on some particular technics, such as Virtual Worlds, genetic manipulation, Robotics, systems of controls, in order to portray dystopian futures. This event invites participants to choose and give a 10 min presentation of a movie/episode with the diffusion of a trailer/excerpt of the movie. This presentation will be followed by a workshop where groups will try to identify from the movies presented anthropological and sociological themes, before a final discussion and debate.

Note: due to the limited amount of time, the number of presentations of movies will be limited. Selection and presentations of examples can be made in groups.

Fri 2-June2-5pmAll UG years

TikTok Workshop - booking essential, here

A hands-on workshop using creative exercises to investigate how we can do ethnography on TikTok. We will experiment with creative methodologies we engaged in to better understand the impact TikTok is having on social life. We will draw, sketch, discuss, mindmap, have group discussions, and engage in group video-making exercises. Through engaging in these creative exercises and discussions, we aim to explore the many complex things that undergird TikTok and a new wave of social media.

Student Common Room
Thur 1-June2-5pmAll UG years

Designing mini-collaborative research projects - booking essential, here

This workshop will focus on how we can conduct and carry out mini research projects with a focus on collaboration and creative methods. In this workshop you will work in groups to come up with a research question and short methodology, plan your research, and begin to carry it out. We will focus on how you might communicate the findings from your research projects in a bitesize and accessible way particularly thinking about multi-modal forms of communication such as videos, audio recordings and other creative forms.

Thur 1-June10am-5pmAll UG years

[Cancelled] Presenting your ideas – a public speaking workshop

This workshop will help you translate your research from text or video into spoken presentations. Thinking with ideas of inclusivity, accessibility, and confidence building, we’ll work collaboratively to structure a 15-minute mini-conference presentation, highlighting the central findings, methods, and implications of your work as well as any visual aids. Each participant will be given the opportunity to present their research in a mini-conference format, receive feedback, and reflect on the process of preparing research for public engagement. This workshop is geared towards those attending the TikTok Workshop, the mini-collaborative research projects day, or those looking to develop public speaking skills.

Wed 7-June10am-2pmAll UG years

Student-led film festival - booking essential, here

Celebrate the end of the year with a film festival curated by students from across the UG student body.

Student Common Room

Shut up and Write Sessions ** Full hours 10:00-16:00Room 1Room 2
Week 1Monday24 AprilRoom 130 **Room 131 **
 Tuesday25 AprilG13 Staff Common RoomDFSR (2-4pm)
 Wednesday26 AprilRoom 130 (1-4pm)Room 131 (1-4pm)
 Thursday27 AprilRoom 130 (10am-1pm)/ Room 129 (2-4pm)Room 128 (11am-4pm)
 Friday28 AprilG13 Staff Common Room **-
Week 2Tuesday2 MayRoom 130 (11am-1pm)/ Room 129 (1-4pm)Room 131 (1-4pm)
 Wednesday3 MayRoom 130 **Room 129 **
 Thursday4 MayRoom 131 **Room 128 (11am-1pm)/ Room 129 (2-4pm)
 Friday5 MayG13 Staff Common Room-
Week 3Tuesday9 MayRoom 130 (11am-1pm)/ Room 129 (1-4pm)Room 131 (1-4pm)
 Wednesday10 MayRoom 130 **Room 129 **
 Thursday11 MayRoom 130 (10am-1pm)/ Room 129 (2-4pm)Room 131 (12-4pm)/ Room 128 (11am-4pm)
 Friday12 MayG13 Staff Common Room **-