
UCL Anthropology


Call for contributions

The regular conference program includes concert sessions of media art works, including electronic and immersive sound and music. It is a venue for the creation of a research community that integrates the arts and humanities with other disciplines. The first CMMR was held in Montpellier, France, in 2003, and this is the 17th. The CMMR 2024 conference slogan is “Sound & Music for Societal Impact”.
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Special sessions

More info coming soon!

Call for demos

CMMR 2024 invites the submission of demos related to all aspects of multidisciplinary fields regarding sound, music and computers, particularly submissions matching this year’s topic “Sound & Music for Societal Impact.”  

The DEMO is an interactive session for the participants and those who would like to show their works. The presenters can show their works, and the presenters and participants can freely discuss various issues based on their common interests. This year, we have set the deadline rather late compared with former years, and thus, we can accept those with premature or on-going works.