Academic position: Professor
Department: Anthropology
UCL Website: Professor Caroline Garaway
Anthropological and political ecological approaches to studying livelihoods of natural-resource-dependent populations. Focus; small-scale fishers, and fisher/farmer populations in floodplain/estuarine environments. Research in Asia (Mekong Basin), East Africa and UK (Thames estuary)
Importance and role of aquatic biodiversity in floodplain environments
Conservation versus development/tourism trade-offs in Marine Protected Areas
Impact of agricultural intensification and other developments (e.g. hydropower dev, port dev) on aquatic based livelihoods
Research Projects:
Garaway, C., & Arthur, R. (2019). Measuring fish catch and consumption: Practical methods for small‐scale fisheries based on length as an alternative to weight‐based approaches. Fisheries Management and Ecology, fme.12409. doi:10.1111/fme.12409
Moreau, M. -. A., & Garaway, C. J. (2018). “Fish Rescue us from Hunger”: the Contribution of Aquatic Resources to Household Food Security on the Rufiji River Floodplain, Tanzania, East Africa. Human Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10745-018-0030-y
Carter, C., & Garaway, C. (2014). Shifting Tides, Complex Lives: The Dynamics of Fishing and Tourism Livelihoods on the Kenyan Coast. Society and Natural Resources, 27 (6), 573-587. doi:10.1080/08941920.2013.842277
Garaway, C. J., Photitay, C., Roger, K., Khamsivilay, L., & Halwart, M. (2013). Biodiversity and Nutrition in Rice-Based Ecosystems; the Case of Lao PDR. Human Ecology, 41 (4), 547-562. doi:10.1007/s10745-013-9602-z
ANTHXXX: Comprehending CoviD-19: A social and Historical Perspective. Running for first time in 20/21
ANTH0065 Fishers and Fisheries: Anthropology, Aquatic Resources and Development.
ANTH0102 Ecology of Human Groups.