Academic position: Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Latin American Studies
Department: School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS)
UCL Website:
I am a research specialist in the areas of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, with a particular focus on Latin America. I am interested in the way cultural producers re-cast historic and present events and phenomena in fiction; for example war, revolution, dictatorship, biographies, and the Anthropocene/Capitalocene.
Research Projects
I am preparing a book on Contemporary Latin American Eco-Fictions in which I engage with some of the most recent eco-fictional novels by authors including Ricardo Piglia, Pola Oloixarac, Rita Indiana, Samantha Schweblin, Carlos Fonseca, Rodrigo Rey Rosa and Leonardo da Jandra in combination with up-to-date theoretical work in the spheres of political economy, environmental sciences and humanities, and history and philosophy.
Book Chapter: ‘La trama apocalíptica del Antropoceno [The Apocalyptic Plot of the Anthropocene]’ Digital-Human-Nature Continua in Las constelaciones oscuras (2015) by Pola Oloixarac’ in Bollington, L. & Merchant, P. (eds.) The Limits of the Human in Contemporary Latin American Culture. University of Florida Press. April, 2020:
SPAN0084 Landscape and the Environment in Latin American Culture (Final Year SPLAS module, not running 21-22)
CMII0152 Environment, Ecology and Contemporary Culture (MA Module co-taught with Prof Deborah Martin)